Jason Jacobson
Program Director
Jason Jacobson works with FMI’s experiential learning programs to ensure they are organized, current and ready to deliver a world class experience to our clients. His goal is for clients to feel each program is relevant to their current position, a valuable tool for growing skills, a good use of time and, ultimately, a life changing event.
Jason works to ensure that FMI’s clients experience the best program possible by paying attention to details such as choosing the right facility, communicating the best travel options, scheduling facilitators, making sure course materials are current and mistake free, and other important logistics.
Prior to joining full-time, Jason worked as a FMI subcontractor for five years utilizing the PDP Proscan assessment and the 360 feedback reports to provide one-on-one feedback to clients in the Project Manager Academy. Jason currently holds certifications in the PDP Proscan, The Myers Briggs MBTI and Hogan Assessments.
While subcontracting Jason also worked in state and county government in grants management for six years. That required a strong attention to detail managing such aspects as the application process, procurement, compliance and monitoring, reporting, training and close out along with any other grant specific requirements.
Licenses & Certifications