Create a Clear Path for Successful Ownership Transition

Establish a vision of your company, addressing ownership, leadership, governance and liquidity to create an enduring organization.

Transferring ownership of your engineering or construction firm is a critical part of solidifying your legacy, preserving wealth and retaining your workforce. The process can be long and is filled with important decisions that can take years to implement.

Our team of bankers and consultants will help you clarify your vision and prepare for succession by developing your leadership team. After identifying your goals and objectives, we’ll work to understand your organization’s strengths and weaknesses, then tailor the transfer process to ensure success.

Our methodology includes:

  • Identifying your aspirations and goals
  • Determining the factors that influence your options
  • Develop ownership and governance alternatives
  • Implement a strategic plan


Proven Expertise

We have more than 65 years of expertise working with companies across the built environment. Our dedicated team of consultants and bankers brings a multi-disciplined approach to the ownership transfer process.

Our ability to identify critical issues and bring resources to solve them helps you structure, communicate and implement a plan to transfer ownership. Combined with our extensive knowledge of current industry and economic dynamics, we’ll help guide you to the best decision for your company.

Get in Touch

Key Benefits

  • Evaluate your preferred transition options
  • Make succession planning decisions from a position of knowledge and objectivity.
  • Craft a comprehensive, prioritized, multi-year succession plan that increases the likelihood of long-term business continuity.
  • Develop a tactical action to implement a successful succession plan

Are you thinking about succession?

If you’re ready to begin the process of creating a succession plan, our team of experts is ready to help.