Wallace Marshall
In his 17 years with FMI, Wallace Marshall has acquired a depth of expertise across a broad spectrum of industry segments. His special focus is strategy development and market due diligence for companies seeking to expand their business through acquisition, greenfield or other capital investments.
Wallace is enthusiastic about organizational improvement and loves to help contractors get better at business development, succession planning, project controls, project execution and culture formation. He facilitates FMI industry peer groups for general building contractors, electrical contractors, materials producers and heavy civil firms.
As the leader of FMI’s Construction Materials practice, Wallace has a thorough understanding of the upstream, midstream and downstream supply chains. He has worked with cement, aggregates, liquid asphalt, hot-mixed asphalt, ready-mix concrete, concrete products and precast, as well as hydrated lime and a variety of specialty minerals. His knowledge of local materials markets in North America is one of the most extensive in the industry.
Wallace is a leader in FMI’s market-research discipline and an expert in the design of targeted questionnaires and survey instruments.