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Leading Your People and Organization Through COVID-19 (Part 1)

Consider the following scenario: The executives of a midsized GC on the East Coast have more questions than answers in these unprecedented times. This scenario should be familiar to all of us. This applies to executives trying to find better ways of attracting and retaining talent, of delivering projects on tighter and tighter schedules, and of dealing with an unprecedent health crisis that is sweeping the globe. In such uncertain times, executives must wrestle with questions like:

  • How do we demonstrate hope and confidence without overpromising our people?
  • With an environment that changes by the day, and often by the hour, how do we stay on top of it all?
  • What is our communication strategy to the rest of the organization?

The challenge of making quick, tough decisions with limited information should not be foreign to any leader, but the stakes are raised in times of great uncertainty. In addition to simply disseminating critical information throughout your organization, the right communication builds employee confidence and trust in leadership. This article, part one of our five part series, explores five key components of strong communication that will help leadership navigate the uncertainty and ensure a more well-positioned organization on the other side of the crisis.

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