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2024 Q4

Innovations in Energy Transition Driving a Sustainable Built Environment

Featured Article: The Megaproject Boom: Building the Future Today

Megaprojects are at the forefront of America’s infrastructure investment resurgence, offering vast opportunities for the AEC industry to drive innovation, sustainability and socioeconomic change. By understanding the trends shaping these projects, your firm can determine how it might fit […]

Carbon Mitigation: How Innovative Business Models Are Profitably Driving Greenhouse Gas Reductions

We are witnessing a surge of entrepreneurial innovation transforming the carbon mitigation and management space, driven by cutting-edge solutions and technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the built environment. This momentum creates immense opportunities to advance […]

Beyond Hardware: Reliability and Service Drive the Next Phase of EV Infrastructure

In Q3 2024, EVs made up 8.9% of vehicle sales, an 11% increase year-over-year. This continued growth challenges the grid, demanding advanced software solutions and meaningful investment in service and maintenance. Learn how to adapt to the evolving EV infrastructure landscape.

2024 Q3

Driving Excellence: Best Practices To Create A Competitive Advantage

Featured Article: Building Your Project Executive Toolkit

The best project managers often struggle once they’re promoted to project executives (PXs). While they bring world-class project leadership skills to their jobs, project executives also need new skills in their toolkits to succeed.

Why Internal Alignment Is Key for Building Products Manufacturers

Companies that are reactive rather than proactive in aligning their operations across departments often fall behind competitors, especially when faced with nontraditional entrants offering innovative products.

Harnessing the Power of Employee Stock Ownership Plans

Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) offer companies a powerful opportunity to enhance key aspects of their operations, from increasing employee engagement to improving financial performance and fostering long-term growth.

2024 Q2

Adapting Your Business to Changing Times

Featured Article: Focus on Customers to Create a Resilient Building Products Company

Building products manufacturers focused on growth typically look to expand geographically, diversify their offerings, develop new products, invest in technology or acquire other companies to stay relevant or increase revenue. While these strategies can all improve the bottom line, they often lack a […]

Amid the Energy Transition, Focus Has Turned Upstream

Small decisions and minor wins in the beginning stages of infrastructure deployment or ahead of renovation and repowering can create heightened value later in the lifecycle (downstream), which can affect the end results across numerous infrastructure segments. This is increasing the industry’s […]

What’s Coming in the Next Five Years for Water Infrastructure Investing

Water infrastructure is crumbling while the demand for water is increasing, and many are concerned that there may not be enough water to meet the needs of people, industry and farms in the coming years. The availability of federal funds can help, but it will take additional investment in the space […]

The Four Levels of Organizational Success

Discover Bob Uhler's four levels of leadership and how executives can best manage their time to maximize their outcomes.

2024 Q1

Building Business Resilience in Uncertain Times

Featured Article: Professionalizing Preconstruction Services: The Number-One Differentiator for General Contractors

As more market share trends toward collaborative delivery methods, sophisticated preconstruction services are becoming the foremost differentiator for general contractors and construction managers. Firms with strong preconstruction functions are positioned to win a greater share of the work and […]

What’s Your Core Mission? How to Build Employee Engagement and Resilience

While many companies look to talent development and company branding to attract and retain talent, they often overlook a powerful and underrated lever to help mitigate the problem: establishing a clear and inspiring company mission.

Catalysts of Change: Exploring Megatrends Reshaping the E&C Industry

In part two of our series on megatrends, we discuss continued urbanization, rising income inequality, increased political polarization and further globalization.

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