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The Megaproject Boom: Building the Future Today

Megaprojects are at the forefront of America’s infrastructure investment resurgence, offering vast opportunities for the AEC industry to drive innovation, sustainability and socioeconomic change. By understanding the trends shaping these projects, your firm can determine how it might fit strategically within an industry segment that is consistently in the spotlight.

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Focus on Customers to Create a Resilient Building Products Company

Building products manufacturers focused on growth typically look to expand geographically, diversify their offerings, develop new products, invest in technology or acquire other companies to stay relevant or increase revenue. While these strategies can all improve the bottom line, they often lack a key component: putting customer needs first.

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Prefabrication in Construction: Strategic Considerations for Building Products Manufacturers

As prefabrication continues to evolve, building products manufacturers (BPMs) must understand how to position their firms for success. This will require adjusting their approach to effectively align with changing market dynamics. BPMs have an opportunity to separate themselves from their competition by partnering with customers to support their transitions to prefab operations.

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Project Delays Are Coming: Develop a Strategy Now

As the economy becomes more uncertain, engineering and construction firms are beginning to see more project delays and cancellations. It's not enough to have a strategy in this environment. You need to execute, integrate and constantly reassess your plans to optimize your market position. Learn how you can get ahead of the current environment.

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