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2018 Q2

Canada: A Northern Perspective

Welcome to the second-quarter issue of the “2018 FMI Quarterly.” With a focus on Canada, this issue explores the various facets of the E&C industry in a country that, while a close neighbor to and ally of the U.S., has its own unique, independent qualities.

Featured Article: Leadership Fundamentals for Any Market Conditions

A look at how strategic, deliberate talent development can make a significant difference in an organization’s current and future growth.

A Case for the “Last 10%” Being the Hardest 30%

The phase between substantial completion and final acceptance can be one of the hardest bridges to cross, but the rewards of getting there are worth the extra effort.

In the Path of a Natural Disaster: Lessons Learned for Construction Work Sites

Hurricanes and wildfires in North America have brought new insights to risk management strategies. Can your risk register weather the storm?

It’s a New Day, Canada

Technology connects us, informs us, entertains us and changes the way we think, but how is it shaping customer expectations in the construction industry?

JV Driver: Building a Strong Leadership Legacy Through Tough Times

Here’s why organizations that invest in their future leaders are always ahead of the curve.

Leveraging Canada’s Active P3 Market

A viable means to repair and upgrade infrastructure, particularly in a strained economy where public resources are limited and private capital needs strong, risk-adjusted investment opportunities, P3 maintains a strong presence in Canada.

The Surge in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions

They say the grass isn’t always greener, but this year it may be in the case of U.S.-Canada cross-border M&A activity.

Why Millennials Are Great for Engineering and Construction

It’s time to start incorporating a millennial-focused talent development strategy in the E&C workplace.

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