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2020 Q1

Top 10 Hits from the Past Decade

In our first Quarterly edition of 2020, you’ll find our top ten articles of the past decade. Most of these topics are still relevant in today’s E&C business environment and cover a broad range of industry issues. Authors also provide updated introductions to their articles and describe how and why their articles are still relevant for today’s business leaders.

Featured Article: Why Large Contractors Fail – A Fresh Perspective

It’s been nearly 200 years since French educator and writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr uttered the epigram, “the more things change, the more they stay the same”; but those words still hold true today. The question is, is history repeating itself, albeit on a larger scale.

A Blueprint for Risk Management in Construction

Define risk management in construction, and what would your answer be?

AI: Engineering and Construction Firms Are Watching Early Adopters

Artificial intelligence in construction was just in its infancy when this article was published. The technology remains in very early stages and is expected to continue to evolve for years to come.

Four Cornerstones of an Adaptive Strategy for E&C Companies

In a world and industry where the pace of change is growing exponentially, this article is a timeless reminder of how the management teams of best-in-class companies should be creating and implementing their strategies.

Four Steps to a Winning Divestment Strategy

Consolidation in the construction industry has steadily increased over the past 10 years. In the utility construction segment, we’ve seen the market capitalization of the top 10 public companies grow by 65% over the past decade.

Health and Wellness: The Next Disruption in Sustainable Building Design

Every year we see increasing attention paid to sustainable building design—and with good reason.

How to Turn Big Data Into A Strategic Business Advantage

How E&C firms can take their huge data sets and transform them into usable, actionable intelligence that improves competitive advantage, enhances efficiencies and supports high levels of productivity.

Strategy in a Time of Industry Disruption

This article was written in response to the rise of venture capital focused on construction technology and disruptive startups, such as Katerra. In it, by examining case studies from other industries, we explored how industry disruption was unfolding.

The Continuity Mindset: Managing Succession for Lasting Organizational Success

Transitioning a business to a new generation of leaders, no matter what decade you are in, has always been a multifaceted, emotional and intricate process—one that is easy to put off due to the anxiety it can generate.

The Maturing Construction Technology M&A Environment

Construction technology investment and overall mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity are stronger than ever.

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