Leaving Soon? How to Tell if your Successor is Ready - Succession Pitfalls Part 4

This is the last article of our four-part series examining the topic of CEO succession in the engineering and construction (E&C) industry and how to overcome the obstacles associated with new executive transitions. In the last article, we discussed how to facilitate the exiting CEO’s transition. Here, we explore how to determine if and when a successor will be ready to take over the helm of the […]

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What the Recent FCC Changes to Net Neutrality May Mean to the E&C Industry

On December 14, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to reverse the 2015 directive that required Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to treat all types of digital traffic equally. Previously, no internet traffic—regardless of the user or the content—took priority over another. This directive, commonly known as network neutrality, has spawned a heated debate among consumers and […]

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Dropping the Ball on Personal Development: Succession Pitfalls Part 2

This is the second article in our 4-part series examining the topic of CEO succession in the engineering and construction (E&C) industry and how to overcome the obstacles associated with new executive transitions (Read part one here). In the last article, we identified early warning signs of CEO derailment and how to make mid-course adjustments before it’s too late. Here, we explore why personal […]

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Board Involvement in Succession Management

Is your board of directors succeeding with succession? The board is responsible for keeping the company aligned and moving towards fulfilling its longer-term vision. However, an opportunity that many boards miss involves succession management. Succession planning is perhaps a board’s most important role; the choice of the next CEO is a key determinant of the future state of the organization.

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Houston Market Done Deals – Movers & Shakers

In July, Quanta announced the acquisition of Stronghold for $548 million, expanding its capabilities into downstream markets. Stronghold offers turnaround and other downstream services, tank storage and other midstream services. The company specializes in high-pressure and high-reactor infrastructure services.

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