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2020 Q1

Top 10 Hits from the Past Decade

In our first Quarterly edition of 2020, you’ll find our top ten articles of the past decade. Most of these topics are still relevant in today’s E&C business environment and cover a broad range of industry issues. Authors also provide updated introductions to their articles and describe how and why their articles are still relevant for today’s business leaders.

Featured Article: Why Large Contractors Fail – A Fresh Perspective

It’s been nearly 200 years since French educator and writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr uttered the epigram, “the more things change, the more they stay the same”; but those words still hold true today. The question is, is history repeating itself, albeit on a larger scale.

A Blueprint for Risk Management in Construction

Define risk management in construction, and what would your answer be?

Four Cornerstones of an Adaptive Strategy for E&C Companies

In a world and industry where the pace of change is growing exponentially, this article is a timeless reminder of how the management teams of best-in-class companies should be creating and implementing their strategies.

Four Steps to a Winning Divestment Strategy

Consolidation in the construction industry has steadily increased over the past 10 years. In the utility construction segment, we’ve seen the market capitalization of the top 10 public companies grow by 65% over the past decade.

The Continuity Mindset: Managing Succession for Lasting Organizational Success

Transitioning a business to a new generation of leaders, no matter what decade you are in, has always been a multifaceted, emotional and intricate process—one that is easy to put off due to the anxiety it can generate.

2019 Q4

Rethinking Strategy at the Top of the Cycle

It’s no secret that we’re experiencing one of the longest economic expansions since World War II, and the Built Environment has been a clear beneficiary of this prosperous time for eight consecutive years. Exactly when an economic recession will rear its ugly head is anyone’s guess, but few would argue the fact that we’re at the top of the business cycle right now.

The Top-Down, Bottom-Up Bonus Conundrum

How to create a structured incentive plan that supports your organizational mission.

Using Captive Insurance to Strengthen Your Organization and Build Resilience

Here’s how E&C companies can use captive insurance to shield themselves against the impacts of an economic recession while also strengthening their positions in the marketplace.

2019 Q3

What Keeps Leaders Up at Night

Welcome to the third edition of the 2019 FMI Quarterly. We dedicated this issue to a concern that’s top of mind for E&C and many other industries right now—namely, what’s keeping our leaders up at night and why.

Know What Your Employees Are Worth

Tight labor markets demand accurate and timely compensation practices. Understanding your employees’ true market value enables you to make informed decisions and retain high-performing players.

The Power of Corporate Governance (Part 1 of 2)

How companies can fully leverage their boards of directors and other leadership groups to achieve success in any market conditions.

2019 Q2

Technology: Reshaping the Built Environment

In this edition of the Quarterly, we have a collection of articles across all stakeholder groups in the built environment that talk about how technology is impacting and influencing businesses across the value chain.

2019 Q1

How to Recession-Proof Your Business

Construction spending growth is slowing, and there’s a lot of turbulence going on in the general economy. We think the engineering and construction (E&C) industry is at or near the top of the cycle. Knowing this, it’s time for E&C firms to start thinking about how to operate their businesses profitably when (not if) the recession hits.

Featured Article: How to Focus on Performance in Any Market Conditions

Position your business for long-term success by fine-tuning your company’s operations, risk management, people and rewards practices.

How to Leverage Your Board Ahead of Turbulent Times

The best boards are helping companies devise good plans of action for the future. Is yours on target?

2018 Q4

The Quiet Transformation of the Built Environment

This issue of the Quarterly highlights some key innovations and transformations that are taking place across today’s built environment and sheds light onto this seemingly quiet yet pervasive transformation.

2018 Q3

Building Leaders and Legacy in Today’s
Digital World

This edition of the Quarterly focuses on C-suite leadership, corporate governance, field leadership, ownership transition, risk management and the importance of leaving a legacy for your company.

How to Drive Productivity Through Lasting Field Leadership Development

Success in business today comes down to field leaders’ ability to stimulate performance not only through hard skills like quality and process improvements, but also through soft skills like motivating and influencing others.

Three Lines of Defense: Holding Leadership Accountable for Managing Risk

Fully embracing the “Three Lines of Defense” model can mitigate risk and optimize future opportunities.

Walking the Corporate Board Compensation Tightrope

How to effectively balance recognition and rewards with independent board governance.

2018 Q2

Canada: A Northern Perspective

Welcome to the second-quarter issue of the “2018 FMI Quarterly.” With a focus on Canada, this issue explores the various facets of the E&C industry in a country that, while a close neighbor to and ally of the U.S., has its own unique, independent qualities.

2018 Q1

The Future is Now: Setting Yourself Up for Success

With continuing industry growth trends, labor and productivity challenges, and retiring boomers, it would be easy to maintain focus on addressing the opportunities and challenges of the here and now. The risk in remaining solely focused on the short term is that the industry will likely look and operate very differently in 10 years than it does today, and firms may find themselves on the outside […]

2017 Q4

Innovation: Pull Away From the Pack

In this Quarterly edition, authors discuss several topics, including how to develop high-performing teams, effective boards, and a strategic compensation philosophy to drive innovation and performance across the company. We also look at new trends around offsite construction among owner organizations (based on our latest industry study conducted with CURT and CII) and discuss the convergence of […]

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