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Invest in Your High-Potential Employees as Part of Succession Planning

By identifying high-potential team members and developing them to take on their next roles, companies can build a consistent culture of leadership and sustain that through the succession process. These development efforts, paired with open dialogue early in the succession process, ensure E&C firms realize the benefits of quality succession planning.

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Thinking Ahead: Breaking Down the Details of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) is expected to fund $1.2 trillion dollars in engineering and construction activity over the next eight years. While exciting, companies will see opportunities as well as challenges when it comes to putting the money to work. Here we look at some of the details of the funding.

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Thinking Ahead: Understanding the Hidden Risks in Your Backlog

We’re seeing lackluster, albeit mixed, nonresidential building construction spending growth in 2021 while prices are climbing at a breakneck pace. Implications suggest a steep decline in real construction activity, likely masked by higher-priced contracts. However, unemployment is low and companies are seemingly in a frenzy to hire, creating some confusion about where the industry will be in the […]

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The Truth About What You Should Pay Your Construction Industry Workforce

The topic of conversation across many industries continues to revolve around employees and how to retain your workers. For many companies, the initial reaction is to raise pay, something that employees are also requesting as the competition for labor remains high, inflation hits 6% and heath care costs continue to soar. Given these pressures many firms, especially those in highly competitive or […]

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